Smallish things about me

I’m all about old stuff, with a particular fascination for all things mid-century. Two things have happened since I began this blog years ago: First, I restored a 1969 travel trailer (which I blog about here), and second, I finally admitted to myself that my obsession for finding and bringing home vintage items was about to crowd me out of my house. I put many of the vintage things in the vintage camper, and the problem still was not solved. I went out on a limb and tried selling some of the vintage things out of the camper -and from this first experiment, Mid Century Myrtle; Vintage Living Everyday!  was born. Check us out on the links below!

These things are things about me…

  • I am a fine-art photographer equally enamored with the old ways and the new of this endearing craft.
  • I have a button in my car that says “I took the road less traveled, …now where the hell am I?”  This was a gift. And also a good indication of how I like to travel. I like back roads and side roads, old roads and dirt roads… and most of all the wayward roads that lead somewhere new.
  • I was born in the wrong era, and subsequently I possess a limitless fascination for all things vintage or antique.
  • I talk to myself, in public. And I answer back. I am constantly in the process of ‘snapping out of it’. Wool~gathering becomes me, literally. You should see it sometime.
  • I enjoy looking, reading, falling asleep. Listening  and pretending to listen. Food that is sweet. Old sentient buildings. Dwelling and pining and occasionally heaving a long, world~weary sigh.
  • Due to oddities that would be encountered on the ULTIMATE SUMMER ROAD TRIP (TUSRT!), & other of life’s bizarre moments, I started a blog.

Smalltown, WY

17 thoughts on “Smallish things about me

  1. We are mounting an exhibit on Victorian Funeral practices and are having a tough time finding post mortum photos. We desparately need one really good one, as a high resolution image. Where do you suggest we go? Do you own the images on this site?

    • Most of the postmortem photo examples that I used are public domain. I do have five original postmortem photos, 2 cabinet cards, one carte de viste, and three tintypes -I would be happy to photograph one and send you the digital image for your exhibit? Other than that, my suggestion would be checking antique stores that have old photos -that’s where I find them myself. Rarely are they labeled as postmortem, though, as many dealers do not realize that is what they have…

  2. you are an interesting individual….have only spent a couple minutes here and i want to learn more..come back when i have more time….was on another project, or two…just wanted to send you a compliment…………thank you for sharing your Stuff!
    sincerely, kami

  3. I meant talented, talented and interesting… and individual (in a unique way, not just an individual way), to my mind individual is something that many claim to be but really aren’t; or at least not so much as they’d like to think. Some don’t really understand this. Individual is , in my opinion a requirement to a happy life (or at least happier than those who think they are individuals.) So in my attempt to send you a compliment, I have written a paragraph that I only hope you don’t think is from a very silly person, or maybe that’s okay.


  4. Thank you for the kind sentiments, and I don’t find you to be silly at all… anyone who wants to throw compliments my way is never silly, but obviously an individual of rare taste and a discerning eye… and my new favorite person… 🙂
    Truthfully, I appreciate it. I’d by lying if I claimed that I didn’t wonder, every single time I post a blog, whether anyone reads them, and what they might think if they do. 🙂

  5. I think I read most of your Blog, I’m Soooooo Not a Computer person(technical person, does that make sense?) So – Yes, Im sure you have more readers than you think. Im 28 and a ‘Unique Individual’ (I think, and in a good way) and apprec your blog…Though, I must admit, I’d be scared to Death to sleep in my car or truck or Tahoe(is the Tahoe the Chevy-Tahoe, Truck or the ‘Bronco’ style one?)….I’d…be scared to death to sleep BOTH in ANY City, Big, or Small or any Wilderness or Highway…or, well in ANY Car/Truck, etc…at night, even if there are 2 of you… I guess I have seen too many stories about ppl sleeping in their vehicles at night, and they end up slain, missing, then found dead, in pieces, or shot-gunned to death, for example the (AZ couple found dead in their

  6. Thank you for reading! We have the Chevy-Tahoe: – with the back seat folded down, there is just enough room to fit a full-size air mattress 🙂 I definitely agree that there are safety considerations with sleeping “rough”. However, both my husband and I grew up in Wyoming where we, along with the rest of the state (~lol) were well-versed in multiple firearms by, oh, say age 10 🙂 We never travel unprotected…

  7. What a great blog. I found your site while looking for pictures of colored contact lenses (and yours are greatly appreciated). Then came a Mardis Gras blizzard in South Dakota and I had to keep looking. I’ve travelled Route 66 and stayed in the wigwams. You’re postmortem pictures fascinate me, and you’re interest in abandoned / desolate buildings and landscapes mirrors mine. If you’ve never looked at Opacity take a gander. Great photography (like yours) mixed with abandoned architecture. I having a feeling you’d like it.

  8. I have what i believe to be 2 post mortem victorian era paintings, do you know who i can contact to get them looked at?

    • If you are looking to get your paintings authenticated, you could search for an antiques appraiser in your area. There is not much in the way of state regulations for antique appraisers, anyone can call themselves an appraiser and may or may not know what they are doing. You could start by checking with organizations like “Appraisers Association of America Inc” where to become a member, individuals need five years of professional experience, and have to pass an exam on appraising theory and methodology to be certified, or with the “American Society of Appraisers”, they also have certification standards. Both of these organizations have online directories to help you find a certified appraiser in your area.

  9. Hi there! I came across your “8mm Film Home Movie 1960’s – Bar / Dance Hall Dancing” footage on Youtube and was wondering if I could use it as b-roll in a project I am working on? Let me know your thoughts. Love what you’re doing.

  10. Sir,
    Be aware that the word “ostrobogulous” was used on a fairly popular TV show last night (‘Young Sheldon’, to be precise). I fully expect you to receive a plethora of traffic due to this event.

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