1969 RoadRunner- VintageTravel Trailer-Camper-Caravan (aka, The Many Moods of Myrtle)

I am currently renovating a vintage, 1969 camper trailer. Her name is Myrtle. (Though I considered Olive, Mabel, and Erma.) I will have so much more to say about this, when I am not neck-deep in restoration / renovation work. An interesting note though….. Aircraft stripper. Lets you scrape old paint off of aluminum, like, right now. Also burns a good bit if it accidentally drips on your skin. My husband points out that maybe I shouldn’t work on Myrtle in shorts and flip-flops, but he’s just overly sensitive because I came to bed last night with fiberglass resin stuck to my toe. Which stuck to the sheets, and to him, and possibly to the dog…

Myrtle and I are going to see the World.


Myrtle’s ‘Vintage Acquisition List’ aka ‘things I’m really excited to have acquired so far for my RoadRunner, so as the Myrtle experience can be as authentic as possible…
*Late 1940’s, metal, insulated cooler that someone had considerately already painted turquoise.
*1950’s Coleman ‘Patio Pink’ cooler picnic jug.
*Vintage flour & sugar sacks to make curtains out of.
*1950’s shiny aluminum Thermos
*1950’s turquoise Bakelite flatware
*Vintage turquoise dish drainer
*Barkcloth fabric pillow
*Vintage, full goose down pillows
*Assorted 1960’s lanterns, including a shiny aluminum flashlight and an orange, hanging “camp-lamp”
*Mid-century aluminum, webbed patio chairs
*1959 Channel Master AM/FM tube radio, battery operated
*1950’s electric ‘Perk King’ coffee pot
*Assorted vintage linens, towels, & dishes
*Mid-century typewriter (portable) (I may want to blog on it, er, and then scan the copy, and upload…)
*1960’s record player
*Tiny vintage, insulated coffee server & Tupperware pitcher
*Mid-century aqua, tin shelving
*1950 oscillating, aqua KwikCool fan
*1960’s fabric bunting
*1950’s luggage
*1950’s aluminum pitcher & drinking cups set -in quilted chrome
….I want stepping into Myrtle to be like stepping back in time

1969 RoadRunner

1969 RoadRunner

Renovation in process

Renovation in process

5 thoughts on “1969 RoadRunner- VintageTravel Trailer-Camper-Caravan (aka, The Many Moods of Myrtle)

  1. i wonder if u can answer a question i have a 1967 road runner and wondered if u knew what kind of paneling they used in these trailers

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